If you are into cards, be it credit, bank, discount or any other, then our exclusive leather bifold credit card wallet Villemus will be the best wallet you could have ever hoped for. Perfect for both men and women, although slightly more preferred by men, it will please whoever you are. It’s compact, and yet extremely practical due to numerous card pockets inside. Just like any other wallet you see on our website, Villemus was made out of full grain leather to ensure the exclusivity of it. The wallet contains one bill compartment, but who needs them any more when you can bring every card in the existence along with you. So, don’t pass out on this great opportunity.
- Full grain leather
- Polyester lining
- 1 compartment
Inside part
- Credit card pockets
- One bill compartment
- Height – 4.72″ (12.00 cm)
- Length – 3.94″ (10.00 cm)
- Width – 0.59″ (1.50 cm)
- Weight – 0.15 lbs (0.07 kg)
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