Our Italian leather duffle bags are made of real and local Italian leather. To someone that understands leather, it’s a sign to go and buy one immediately. For those who need some clarification to what that is, know this: it’s a top notch material when it comes to leather in general. Whether it’s gloves, coats, belts or bags, local Italian leather means that the leather is as good and real as it gets.
Therefore, if you choose not to do shopping here, it’s not going to be because of low quality material. In contrary, the material might have pushed the price somewhat too high and out of your reach. But take a good look at what we have to offer, as some of the bags are selling at amazing prices. In addition, subscribe and follow us on Facebook to obtain various discounts that could substantially slash the price down.
Exceptional Leather Duffle Bags from Italy
Material is perhaps the single most important factor when it comes to a duffle bag. After all, it has to be extremely durable. Duffle bags are great travel companions and do fall under travel bag category. They are also widely used as sport bags due to durability, volume and comfort. If you have not noticed, check out both men and women in the locker rooms of the gyms. They likely have duffle bags with them. And now notice the leather ones and non-leather ones. The difference is remarkable.
Duffle bags are great for weekend getaways, 48h trips, overnight stays. Some people even wear them as backpacks (not recommended, but possible), putting both handles on shoulders as if they were putting on a backpack. Thus you can see that the sky is the limit for a duffle bag. Now add a “leather” factor to the equation and whatever you will be doing with it, you will look great.
There is no other material as beautiful, graceful and awesome as leather. But we are talking about the real – local Italian - leather.
Leather Duffle Bags on Sale at Domini Leather
Our leather duffle bags are as great as any real leather duffle bag out there. Our pricing does not allow us to compete with the cheap counterparts, especially with the ones coming from far away, where leather quality, extraction and manufacturing are questionable at best. Leather has to be obtained by the most ethical processes possible. Here in Europe it’s hard to do otherwise. However, not everywhere across the globe the laws and ethics are at the same level.
So what is going to be? High quality, high morals and ok prices?
Either way, we proudly present you with our leather duffle bags collection!