Most of our leather bags are multi-purpose ones, meaning that they are not designed solely for travelling. After all, it's great to have items that can serve multiple purposes. While we have some models of more standard luggage type of bags, the majority of them are what you'd call a duffle bag. They are spacious, comfy and very beautiful. Also, they are as equally perfect for travelling by planes, trains, buses and cars as they will accompany you to the gyms, weekend getaways or even one night sleepovers.
So, without further ado, start browsing our collection of leathers travel bags for men, and you will see in no time what we mean. Also, in case you need some extra information, there are more of it at the bottom of the page, and a lot more on product pages. Therefore, click on the product you like, and it will tell you about itself everything there is to know. Enjoy!
Exceptional Leather Travel Bags for Men
Our leather travel bags are unique, beautiful and stylish. To give our bags more personality and charm, we have included premium antique brass or nickel zippers all over the bags, depending on the color of your choice. Behind the main zipper is a special compartment that is large enough to hold your cloth, shoes, cosmetic bags, documents, cellphones, iPads and other accessories. The zipper not only gives the bag appeal, but also offers security for your expensive items.
We are not only a team of business professionals, but also consumers. So, we understand how important it is to invest in a quality product that will offer durability and longevity. While we use only the highest quality Italian leather for all of our leather travel bags, however the real magic happens at the production facility. There, many skilled and experienced Italian leather artists and crafters give these bags its final form and shape, so at the end, somewhere in the world, a happy customer just like yourself could enjoy it to the fullest.
Buy Men's Leather Travel Bags at Domini Leather
Our designers have chosen a handle design that ensures it fits your hand like a glove. A poorly designed handle will cause discomfort, when the bag is weighed down with accessories. We also add detachable shoulder straps that are padded and adjustable in length, in case you need your hands for other reasons than to carry your travel bag. We have worked diligently to make sure our designers have not left anything out.
To obtain the final color, the leather used in the manufacture of our travel bags went through the vegetable tanning method. This process involves hand dying the material with only natural materials. No one wants to expose their skin to harmful chemicals. When the process is complete, the leather has a natural look that will last for many years, even if the bag is used every day of the week.