Credit card holders are becoming very popular among contemporary people of the big cities. It makes sense to some extent, because you no longer have to have cash to pay for anything – cabs, restaurants, even tips at restaurants. Therefore, bringing a credit card is fully enough. With that in mind, meet our leather credit card holder – Practical Magic. You credit cards will be surely safe and sound, and you will even have a pocket for some cash in case you can’t let go. It was made of full grain leather to ensure its authenticity and durability. Inside you will have one spacious compartment for your business and credit cards as well as cash. And the holder contains two smaller pockets on the exterior part of the main compartment, which come in handy as well. Therefore, it’s safe to say that it’s an excellent credit card holder that you should certainly consider getting.
- Made of full grain leather
- Capacious compartment to keep your business, credit cards and money
- Two smaller pockets outside
- Height – 4.1″ (10.50 cm)
- Length – 2.9″ (7.50 cm)
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