Olimpia leather tote handbag might interest you for several reasons. Firstly, it’s clearly a beautiful and elegant handbag that corresponds to what you are looking for. Secondly, it’s a very affordable handbag that allows you to take some risks. After all, for that price, even if you don’t like it for whatever reason, it might become an awesome gift. Thirdly, it’s spacious and comfortable, therefore even if it does not turn out to be your main handbag, it’s always nice to have a quick replacement just in case. In addition to the three mentioned reasons, there are plenty of other reasons that might convince you. It’s made of smooth leather and is of rigid structure in order to better protect your belongings and maintain the original shape. Inside you will find two main compartments, one zippered pocket and two open pockets, all of which are covered with polyester lining for easy maintenance and cleaning. On the outside you will find protective metal feet on the bottom and one pocket with closure on the back side. It also comes equipped with adjustable and detachable leather shoulder strap and a zip closure for the entrance into the main part. Also, it’s suitable for A4 document folders. Enjoy!
- Smooth leather
- Polyester lining
- Rigid structure
- 2 compartments
- Exterior protective metal feet on the bottom
- Exterior pocket on the back side with closure
- Interior zippered pocket and 2 open pockets
- Interior zippered compartment
- Leather shoulder strap
- Adjustable strap
- Detachable shoulder strap: 45.28″ (115.00 cm)
- Suitable for A4 document folders
- Zip closure
- Height – 10.83″ (27.50 cm)
- Length – 14.76″ (37.50 cm)
- Width – 6.5″ (16.50 cm)
- Weight – 1.98 lbs (0.90 kg)
Kimberly W. –
Quality leather, classy design and beautiful, rich colour. Extremely happy with my purchase!
Mirka Z. –
Very classy bag. The size is just right for all my daily needs.
Joyce D. –
This is a Christmas gift to my daughter. I am sure she will be very happy with it as much has she has with the other bags we have purchased.
Roslyn E. –
Darren A. –
Everything was absolutely perfect, the quality of the leather tote is second to none!
Kok Cheng C. –
Beautiful and outstanding colour.