Meet Sabrina, our premium leather hobo handbag with shoulder strap. The people who named the bag type probably have no idea what hobo means, but who cares when the handbag looks this great. This purse is elegant and simple enough for anyone to enjoy it. Some people simply don’t like flashy and eye-catchy handbags, and thus this could be a good option for them. It’s made of premium full grain leather ensuring that the handbag is of the highest quality it can possibly be. Inside you will find one main compartment, a zippered pocket and two open pockets, all covered with cotton lining. It comes in a semi-rigid structure, which is great for your belongings and you at the same time. Sabrina comes equipped with adjustable and detachable shoulder strap, which spans anywhere between 27 and 35 inches (69 and 90 cm), and a zip closure. So, if you are looking for something cute and practical, then Sabrina is for you.
- Full grain leather
- Cotton lining
- Semi-rigid structure
- 1 compartment
- Interior zippered pocket
- Interior 2 pockets
- Leather shoulder strap
- Adjustable strap
- Min: 27.17″ (69.00 cm)
- Max: 35.43″ (90.00 cm)
- Detachable shoulder strap
- Zip closure
- Height – 9.84″ (25.00 cm)
- Length – 14.17″ (36.00 cm)
- Width – 5.31″ (13.50 cm)
- Weight – 1.54 lbs (0.70 kg)
Hendrika A E. –
Waiting for Christmas to give this gift
Sylvia S. –
Excellent! Very pleased
Torsten O. –
For every day